". BEAUTYSTYLE2009: Breastfeeding

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Breast Feeding:is a physiological and primitve process,god deposited in humans and many animals.but in humans it is of aparticular importance,which needs a special attention.From here we can see that we have the right to call in the process of art.with all meaning of the word.
General advice:

• breastfeeding strengthens the close relationship between mother and infant.
• must not give the child after the birth a foreign affairs of liquids, such as: water, glucose, tea, mint, and other .. ;is presented to the infection, and makes him feel full, not suckle from the mother, and therefore generate less breast milk.
• breast milk alone is sufficient for the child until the age of 6 months ago.
• Meals begin to add up after about the age of 6 months while continuing to breastfeeding until the age of two years or more.\
• feeding from the bottle - even if it were a one-time - make the child hates breastfeeding again.

•feeding from the bottle makes children particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases.

•feeding from the bottle cost a lot of effort and money.

• to separate the child from his mother during sleep, and non-breastfeeding at night reduces the generation of breast milk.

Do breastfeeding changes lightness and strength of the body of nursing women?

Some fear that the beautiful nursing breastfeeding affect the strength of their bodies slim, if causing an increase in weight, or the large and convexity in the abdomen, or looseness and limpness of the breast ... etc. ... In order to assure all of them we say: the opposite is true, natural breastfeeding causes uterine contraction and stop the bleeding, and return it to normal size, and thus the size of the abdomen become less visibility. As well as the breastfeeding burn the fat accumulation in the body of women in the last days of pregnancy, and this in turn leads to thinner women.

As for the strength of the impact of breastfeeding on the breasts, it can be no condition to hear the continuing nursing medical advice and use of appropriate medical carriers breasts Fitted Brassiere.

What are the real barriers to breastfeeding?

Reminded us that nursing mothers can stop breastfeeding temporarily if it is to deal with certain drugs or foods that have an impact negatively on the baby, the real barriers to breastfeeding a child of a mother is almost rare, such as: *Bacterial blood poisoning,

*Septicemia, *poisoning pregnancy Eclampsia,
*severe kidney infection Nephritis,

*acute and severe bleeding Proffuse Hemorrhage,

*malaria Malaria,*typhoid fever,

*Typhoid Fever, *Tuberculosis effective Active TB,

*breast cancer, *Breast Cancer, *Drug Addiction Drug Abuse,

*madness Sever Neurosis.

One of the most important benefits and advantages of breast milk:

1. The benefits and advantages to the mother:

o help breastfeeding on the pace of the return of the normal size of the uterus prior to pregnancy and childbirth. Also help prevent the occurrence of bleeding after childbirth.

o is a natural way to prevent pregnancy. Can rely on breastfeeding as a way to prevent pregnancy during the first six months after the birth side of the availability of two factors.

2. The benefits and advantages of the child:
o Mother's milk is available at any time, a fresh, sterile, temperature appropriate for the child.
o is where all the food elements required for the child such as:

 protein: mother's milk contains a type of protein is easy digestion of the child.
 fat: contains the core of the fat and skin and hair growth in the brain.

 carbohydrates: contains the sugar lactose.Lactose files necessary for good absorption of calcium and phosphorus and iron, as well as essential for the growth of the brain.

Breastmilk also contains a further growth of the brain Brain Growth Factor.

 Children are protected, where the incidence of infections containing more immune factors, interferon, which is a natural anti-virus, antibodies to the virus, antibodies to the measles. Also protected from an allergy.

 Scientific studies have shown that breastfeeding reduces the chances of a child of many diseases in the future, such as diabetes, heart disease, allergies chest, obesity.

3. Benefits for mother and child together: Breastfeeding is a strong correlation between the mother and the child, the child will grow with self stability.

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