". BEAUTYSTYLE2009: 09 August 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

how to love your wife

Dear married men:
The most important factors to the success of the institution of marriage is the common love and understanding.love doesn't restricte on women just,and she have to be sinsecret to her husband in his treatment, but manshould loves and understands his wife inequal amount and conditions.

So do you claim you love your wife?
Read the following to know that you love your wife or what:
Do you know your wife's preferred hobbies?
Do you know which colors she likes?

Do you know her wishes and dreams?
Do you know the preferred dishs or kind of juice she likes?

If you love your wife and you do not know the answers to these questions,you must know that you don't understand and love her.which would widen the gap between both of you,and alienated of your wife from you.

Dear husband: Here are some important tips to learn how to love your wife:
*When she walks away follow and catch her.
*When she looks at your lips kiss her.
*When she angry of you and shouting on you kiss her and say:'i love you'.

*When she is silent (ask her what is the problem).
*When she ignore you give her your full attintion.
*When she wants to move away a little (don't agree here opinion).
*When you sees her in the worst situations (Say to heryou are the beautiful).
*When she is crying (do not say anything:embosom her)
*When you see her walking (follow her slowly, then suddenly from behind embosom her)
*When she put her head on your shoulder (catch her head ,and kiss her).
*When she says a jock (laugh with her).
*When she doubt of you(withdrew a little to give her time to think).
*When she says she is satisfied with you(it is really not bigger than the feelings she said).

*When she holds your hand (held her hands and her fingers teased).

*When she says you a secret (keep it and don't retained by anyone to tell).

*When she says that the relationship is over (she is still wants you).

*When she says that everything's OK, do not believe her, but talked with her about the problem Which, after ten years she will continue to remember you.

*Contact in the first hours of her birthday, tell her 'I love you'.

*As if everything important in your life Stay with her through the night when she get sick.

*See her preferral film with her , even if you think he is stupid.

*When she is bored or feeling annoyed with out having fun with her.

*When she is being in tears, the first question says, who makes you angry baby .....

Friday, August 14, 2009

advice for women

Dear married women:
have you noticed that your husband is spending more hours outside the home or work?

Have you noticed his permanent silence and reflection?

Have you noticed that he enjoyed watching television and sitting in front of the computer for a long time.
Does he started to run away from disscusion with you or answering your different questions ?
Does he become severe neurological brittle or cold?
If you notice these changes at your husband now, Make sure you are in default of its right, that your love begin to go, finally you are in' danger'.
So go with me quickly to save what can be saved in your kingdom of marriage. Now listen carefully to theese advice and apply as soon as possiple:
Respect for the man is very important, so respect and respect and respect him.
*Take care of your physical, sexual, and places to enjoy cleaning. Use water and soap for the purpose of medical, not to use creams and perfumes in sensitive areas because it will lead to infections.
* The continued renewal of an evolutionary type of perfume and makeup and the types of hairstyles.
*Listen to your husband's love and admiration and attention.
*Free accommodation for his special time for sleep.
*Tell him thank you for your cooperation and love to you, at certain times, but not always.
*Respect your husband's family and relatives.and tell himto visit them always.
*If you want something from your husband and use your kindness,and your female affectionwith quite voice.
*If your husband mase wrong with you:keep sileny then disscuss him politly later.then reachfor the easy and temporary solutions to problems.
*The shortest road to man's heart through his stomach.
*Jealousy is the key of divorce and jealousy among the non-place make man to escape from his wife and search for a trust.
*Don't be buzy with your children all time,take care of your husband as he is one ofyour children.
*Make him miss you for sometime and then voiced his wonderful bride elusive.
* Wake Up at morning always with him and prepare him the bathroom and breakfast and sleeves rolled up to wear his clothes, especially socks.

*Say goodbye to him with warm smile.
*Take care of your house cleaning.

* Help him to take off his clothes while asking him how was his day.
*Do not force the teats weapone. it has become a weak effect.
*Do not tell any inappropriate conduct from his family.and if you do so be sure to be polite and quite.
*Do not cry on your children and complained of their behavior.
*If anyone from your relatives make wrong with your husband apology to him without wasting your dignity or the dignity of the fault.
*Bring a gift every day and messages on his mobile phone.
*Do not make the day go without saying to him 'i love you'.

body mass index

body mass index
Body mass index (BMI): is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and womenBMI Categories:
*Underweight = <18.5>
*Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

*Overweight = 25-29.9
*Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Do you have a body mass index BMIless than 25?
Congratulations, you do not suffer from overweight and you are not prone to diseases caused Kilograms of the excess, try to maintain the current weight.
Do you have abody mass indexBMI between 25-30?
You are in a critical position, you are now more vulnerable to diseases, especially If members of your family suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes and high Pressure, your step from now to deal with excess weight.
Do you have a body mass index more than 30?
You are suffering from obesity, and really need to do a quick step to address this , The danger that threatens your health and your life is very high.
What are the advantages of weight reduction and maintenance of ideal body weight?
When we get to the weight we want to achieve and we will be able to maintain We will see how our lives would be improved:
1 - will feel that our health better.
2 - will decrease the rate of high cholesterol in the blood.
3 - For patients with diabetes type II, the weight loss may lead to His recovery from diabetes, or at least improve the level of sugar it has.
4 - possession of physical fitness and non-race flowlines to a minimum effort.
5 - to enjoy more active lives.
6 - Increased self-confidence.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


God create the sense of smell in human being so they can distinguish between the beautiful smell and bad smell. Smells affect the psychological and the behavior of a person as it's kind and concentration.
perfume gives the person who use it the beauty and wonderfull sense of those who smell it.
People's taste varies and the choice of the smell of perfume from one person to another.
Factors influencing the choice of perfume:
1 - Time: perfume of the morning is different from the evening one, dattime needs refreshing perfume is not affected by sunlight, and to hide the smell of sweat.
2 - Occasion:perfume is vary depending on the type of the occasion.not all the perfumes in line with the events.
3 -The taste of the person: tastes vary from person to person affect the choice of fragrance and its components.
4 - the health situation: many do not comply with certain kinds of perfume because they make allergy to skin.due to chemical component materials of that perfume.
5 - Weather:perfume of winter is different from the fragrances of summer in the strength ofconcentration. Where to apply perfume: Advised not to put perfume on the face because some perfumes contain chemicals that may affect the skin as a sensitive area.
Places of a perfume in the body: use of perfume over the premises containing the pulse, including:
1 - behind the ears.
2- on the wrist.
3 -below the neck.
4 -between the breasts.
Factors that keep the smell of perfume a longer period:
1 - bath: so as not to mix the perfume with the smells of your body.
2 - Non-rubbing perfume by hand so as not to damage the components from the heat generated.
3- Avoid spraying oil perfumes so as not to damage your clothes.
4 - Don't spray more than one type of perfumes atsame time so as not to interact with each vehicle perfumes.
Perfumes disadvantages: Perfumes are particularly detrimental to the industrial example, the human skin placed on top of the neck because it is an open area consists of the sun spot can not be removed. Some complain of sensitivity and may constitute a migraine when inhaling perfume, and some lead to infertility, others are not suitable for with body fluids.
Perfume benefits:
1 - moral interest: some perfume and revive the body, increase vitality and activity.
2- physical interest: some perfume components are extracted from nature so it used as analgesic drugs and to treat pain and arthritis, dizziness and menstrual cycle problems.
perfumes selection of useful tips:
1- Make sure of the date of production .
2 -keep it away from the limelight and the fragrance of sun and temperatures up to check the properties of it.
3 - not to be kept for a period over 3 years.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

eye make up steps

Make your eyes say what you want them to.
most women is looking for eye makeup tips. My tips will give you advantage in order to get the look that you desire.
and you will be able to achieve the eyes you need .So take my advice and you will have a beautyfull eye look.

Your eye make up application will include mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow, and knowing how to apply these correctly and how to choose the right make up for your eye color will help you to discover the true secrets to beautiful eye make up color.
Beautiful Eye Make Up steps:
Follow these steps carefully to achieve the look you desire for your eye make up:
1.Basic cream and concealer:
apply basic cream over eyelids gently, and put the concealer under the eye to cover the dark spots.
2.eye shadow:
*for perfict eye make up start always with light colors under eyebrow go with the mobile eyelid to the eye outside corner.
**apply dark shadow that must be prominent on the eyelids to the middle of eyes, then make a direct line between the eyelid strikes with a lighter shadow color(light degree of the dark one applied).
***in the bottom of eye, with a thin brush put the same dark shadow color from the interior angle to the outside of the eye.
3.Eyeliner :
eyeliner will help to accentuate your eye shadow. Use light Eye pencil inside the eye, and use black liquid form to determine the outside shape of your eyes.

The final step in creating beautiful eye make up color is your mascara. Put mascara on the upper and lower eyelashes, then leave them to dry.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

make up

MAKE UP STEPS Women primarily interested in here beauty and good appearance ,that is by depinding on the make up of here choice to suit the type and color of her skin and face, age and color of clothing and accessories in addition to the weather.
also there is a medical and nutritional makeup of the skin wich didn't show long-lasting in the face defects such as burns, blisters and breadth of the face. The skin is like the glass,reflicts the way that women apply make up.
Make up the basic steps:
1*clean your skin using a good skin lotion facial cleaner or milk lotion to make the foundation cream slides easily on the skin.
2* If you have oily or compination skin Use Oil-Control Gel to close the pores.
3*Foundation cream: The most important step in the make up is the foundation cream, choose a color close to the color of your skin, preferably two to mix it for the Unification of skin color. Use your fingers to apply cream around the eyes, and Use sponge to form a circular decent person on the face of the beginning of the bottom of the head.
4* concealer: apply the concealer gently using your fingers around the eyes to cover dark spots.choose it bright and shiny.
5* Powder: Select a color the same as your skin color , to maintain the natural color.
6* Eye shadow: Use light shadow or off-white on the lids mobile starting from the point of view so that the internal eye in the middle, then spread the light brown shadow over Eyelid moving from the center of the eye towards the external angle, and then add the white shadow in the upper lids or just below the eyebrow, then draw on the eyelashes to the length of the eye corner by black eye-liner, and then mix black and brown shadow at the roots of the status of the lower lashes, from the center of the eye corner of external angle.
7* Blusher: Blusher is used to increase the attractiveness of skin,put dark blusher color on the top of your cheeks, then apply the color in a circular motion using whole broad-brush cheeks.
8* mascara: mascara a very important role, highlighting the length of eyelashes and show a glimmer of the eye. We advise you to use mascara that make your lashes long and give it intensity and extra volume,
9* red lipstik: red lipstik must be consistent and derived from the eye makeup, with a lip from the inside to reduce the size of the mouth, or a determination from the outside to enlarge the size. Amutiri on the distribution of red lipstick brush intended for, how intensive nature seems rich, and the lips appear more defined. To highlight the beauty of lips Use color copper or bronze or golden brown, that fits all skin colors.