". BEAUTYSTYLE2009: perfumes

Thursday, August 13, 2009


God create the sense of smell in human being so they can distinguish between the beautiful smell and bad smell. Smells affect the psychological and the behavior of a person as it's kind and concentration.
perfume gives the person who use it the beauty and wonderfull sense of those who smell it.
People's taste varies and the choice of the smell of perfume from one person to another.
Factors influencing the choice of perfume:
1 - Time: perfume of the morning is different from the evening one, dattime needs refreshing perfume is not affected by sunlight, and to hide the smell of sweat.
2 - Occasion:perfume is vary depending on the type of the occasion.not all the perfumes in line with the events.
3 -The taste of the person: tastes vary from person to person affect the choice of fragrance and its components.
4 - the health situation: many do not comply with certain kinds of perfume because they make allergy to skin.due to chemical component materials of that perfume.
5 - Weather:perfume of winter is different from the fragrances of summer in the strength ofconcentration. Where to apply perfume: Advised not to put perfume on the face because some perfumes contain chemicals that may affect the skin as a sensitive area.
Places of a perfume in the body: use of perfume over the premises containing the pulse, including:
1 - behind the ears.
2- on the wrist.
3 -below the neck.
4 -between the breasts.
Factors that keep the smell of perfume a longer period:
1 - bath: so as not to mix the perfume with the smells of your body.
2 - Non-rubbing perfume by hand so as not to damage the components from the heat generated.
3- Avoid spraying oil perfumes so as not to damage your clothes.
4 - Don't spray more than one type of perfumes atsame time so as not to interact with each vehicle perfumes.
Perfumes disadvantages: Perfumes are particularly detrimental to the industrial example, the human skin placed on top of the neck because it is an open area consists of the sun spot can not be removed. Some complain of sensitivity and may constitute a migraine when inhaling perfume, and some lead to infertility, others are not suitable for with body fluids.
Perfume benefits:
1 - moral interest: some perfume and revive the body, increase vitality and activity.
2- physical interest: some perfume components are extracted from nature so it used as analgesic drugs and to treat pain and arthritis, dizziness and menstrual cycle problems.
perfumes selection of useful tips:
1- Make sure of the date of production .
2 -keep it away from the limelight and the fragrance of sun and temperatures up to check the properties of it.
3 - not to be kept for a period over 3 years.

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