". BEAUTYSTYLE2009: Dyeing hair with henna2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dyeing hair with henna2009

Henna is:a crushed plant material that is extracted from the Henna trees. Henna trees are similar to the pomegranate tree, and up to (3) meters, durable green, with a length of white leaves (3- 4) cm, combine leaves, and dried, and reground.
Henna tree cultivation spread in the tropics, and particularly in Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula and India.
Henna medical benefits:
1. According to henna in the treatment of headaches, but its usefulness is not absolute, it does not treat all types of headaches, but headaches caused by hypertension, and that it has tow characteristics:
*it regulates the heart beat.
*it cause muscle tremors and expansion vessels blood.
2. The use of henna in the treatment of wounds and ulcers on the possession of henna because of these features:
*containing antibiotics effective against many types of bacteria.
*it contains materials company for the Eradication of fungal infections, the elimination of moisture, and the elimination of the center for the growth of fungi.
3.The use of henna in the treatment of pain of the legs, feet, and particularly based on the treatment of abrasions caused by traffic, and the treatment of interdigital fungal disease, and by cutting off the effected skin and to eliminate moisture.
Dyeing hair with henna:
henna is used to dye the hair and give it the red color or brown, according to materials added to it. It is much better than chemical dyes that harm the scalp and burn and damage the hair.
Method of Henna Hair dyeing:
First:mix henna powder with water to put it in the hair. you can only add little drops of lemon to make the hair brighter. If you have damaged hair add egg or green tea or coffee. These elements will make your hair brighter and more vital.
Second:wear plastic gloves and put hena mix in stanless dish.
Third:make hair two sections and each section _tow small sections.and start from the top of the hair,they want to lock all of the hair as it is clear in picture.

Fourth:apply henna with brush to all hair forward and back, as is clear to see as the arrival of henna to all the hair in your head
We still continue to paint hair and put a lock expires, and all painted in full over the head Combined direct and Trine .
After the completion of painting each section with henna,well of course, your hair will be in full community of over your head, as in this picture

Fifth:Leave the henna on the hair a period of 3-6 hours,then wash hair with heavy water.
We note that the hair color became red or brown, with a glimmer and shiny look.

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